Martín Baus Video Clip (2025)

1. ‎Films directed by Martín Baus • Letterboxd

  • Films directed by Martín Baus.

  • Films directed by Martín Baus

2. Martin Baus – - Binaural/Nodar

  • 28 feb 2023 · Martin Baus is a multimedia artist, filmmaker, musician, sound artist, researcher, educator and curator born in Chile.

  • Martin Baus é um artista multimédia, cineasta, músico, artista sonoro, investigador, educador e curador nascido no Chile. Possui um bacharelato em Ciências Sociais com especialização em Estética Cinematográfica e Literatura (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Chile) e uma pós-graduação em LAV: Laboratório Audiovisual de Criação e Práticas Contemporâneas (Madrid). Mora na cidade de Guayaquil, onde codirige

3. Lungta - Alexandra Cuesta


  • ECU 2021 | Directors: Libertad Gills, Martín Baus | Colour | DCP | 4 min | no dialogue. From a point of view/listening that is both animal and elemental ...


5. Martin Baus - Facebook

  • Included in the program was a short film that Martin Baus and I made ... (Our Vimeo page was taken down so we have uploaded the video to YouTube for now).

  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

6. Martin Baus - Desistfilm

  • EARTH – PROGRAM BY COLECTIVO LOS INGRÁVIDOS (FILMFEST DRESDEN – INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL). Is it possible, perhaps, that we arrived too late for the ...

  • Por Mónica Delgado

7. Martín Baus Movies | Moviefone

  • 'The Penguin' has charismatic performances but also a lot of gangster cliches. The limited... Follow Moviefone. FacebookXInstagramPinterestYouTubeLinkedInRSS ...

  • Browse Martín Baus movies, appearances, and specials.

8. cielo abierto / mar abierto / suelo abierto - LIBERTAD GILLS

  • Co-dirigido con Martín Baus Desde un punto de vista-escucha animal y ... film unsettles representational expectations and coordinates a unique terrain for human- ...

  • ​CIELO ABIERTO / MAR ABIERTO / SUELO ABIERTO ( OPEN SKY / OPEN SEA / OPEN GROUND ) ​Super 8mm, 4:00, 2021, ECUADOR Co-dirigido con Martín Baus Desde un punto de vista-escucha animal y elemental,...

Martín Baus Video Clip (2025)


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Author: Arielle Torp

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

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Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.